Wednesday, December 15, 2010

chapter5 alex rider

somebody call  after the accident that Alex had in the chunk yard to go over to the bank where his uncle work. They told him that they had something for him. So Alex went to the bank but the first thing he discovered is that the place that was a bank wasn't a bank it was spy center.Alex rider met with Aunt Blunt ms Jones. They told the true about his uncle why he died like that.


After Alex Rider got out of the car he was caught by four men's. Alex  started to fight with them. He rember the karate class so he use a low kick for the four mens. He left them  uncunsios and run to his house. In his house he touhgt about the bullets in his auncle car.

Monday, December 13, 2010

chapter tree Alex is going to found out what his uncle Ian Rider is.

After Alex saw his uncle Alex heard somebody talking,so Alex went inside the car and waited that the sound will go away. But he did not notice that he was hanging in the sky by a claw machine. When he notice he alredy was late. It took time for Alex to get out of the car before he was crushed!!!!!!!!